
the TBL Disease ----> Three Brother Lovers

Oh yeah! ... I'm not ashame (or afraid for that matter) First Hanson (well actually ALWAYS HANSON) now the JB, they r all so cute were...are..once were and still are ...
But i guess it is like fashion
u know how we've using stuff from god knows when ? (60's,70's,80's.... 90's coming soon with baggy lumberjack pants weee...god help us).... well i guess music history repeats itself too hu??
Def not saying they r the same thing one group and the other BUT they share similarities ... come on 3 brothers, making music, being harassed by millions of so called fans .. u know...all that

Hanson evolved (from 97 to 2008) in a very peculiar way they have become what every fanatic in the world would dream... ACCESSIBLE, they share with everyone a mile walk, in pro of helping the fight against poverty and AIDS in Africa (donating 2 dollars for each person that walks with them check out: www.takethewalk.net); so they also became more HUMAN and ADMIRABLE.... and i don't mean admirable in a "OMGOSHHHH ILOVE UUUUU EEEEEEEGGG!!", no no NO those days are gone, i mean admirable, like "WELL DONE GUYS U R DEFINITLY SOMETHING DIFFERENT TRULY TALENTED MUSICIANS, DOING SOMETHING TO HELP YOUR WORLD AND INVOLVING UR FANS GIVING THEM THE RECOGNITION THAT (THE REAL ONES) DESERVED", they have mature as musicians and as persons, us too as fans and as persons; their scream squad became a Walking Team, and i'm really proud to say I've watch this guys grow and develop, 'till they became what they are now, seeing them so successful in every aspect, makes me think to myself *thank God they were the ones i decided to stick with, thank God i knew since day one that they were all about the music and that they were good at it!!* We've become the fans every artist wants: the ones who appreciated them for their talent!, and they've become the artists anyone would want: accessible, human, real, even more talented than before and most important, artists that make us, their fans, part of their life.

So i love those guys, it is, for most, inspiring all the work their pulling to make things happen. So all of that been said, i need to establish: i like the jonas brothers, they've got charisma, they've got talent, YES their gathering (even when they r brothers) was a lil bit of a Disney Setup (but hey sometimes u need someone to throw the idea) but they r good ppl, and hopefully their talent is real; so all i want to say is that i wish all well for those new three guys, which means i probably wish them that they get to evolved as good as the ones who pioneered on the TBL and that in 11 years they get to have REAL fans, a family and a lot of experience in music, as much as they need for being able to go independent if needed, and a heart and morals intact in all those years, u don't need luck actually u just need talent and a very grounded head ...

Hopefully in ten years the JB are going to become as evolved and admirable as Hanson (which doesn't mean they r not real good, it only means that: in ten years of doing the same u definetly become a better whatever u r), and i hope i will be able to follow their career as i did with Hanson; even when at first i felt it like lil bit of a betrayal (liking and comparing both groups), i finally understood, that it is not betrayal when all u r wishing is for a band to have a very good future as the ones before them, i mean i feel like Hanson has make a path to follow, and in no way I'm comparing music or acting or anything, i'm just saying those guys (Hanson) went for a very good path, and i wish the jonas to do so too.
Besides in ten years my beloveds will be doing more music, more evolved, more everything than were they r now, i wish for the jonas the same, that in ten years they will still be doing music, much more better and evolved than were they are now....

Yes this has been the longest post, but its worth it, besides it helps with the TBL :)

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