
Attention Please: Drama Queen

My God how we love the attention! and my God the Drama Addiction!!
at least i do, i accept it, but the price sometimes is too high
Have you ever not like someone except only when that someone prefers you over someone else??, or maybe only when someone else wants that someone that wants you!??...
hahaa well imagine the confusion in my head, I'm the one who has to understand it plus live its consequences.
Us humans we really have issues! how come we only want something if someone else asks for it otherwise we just have it laying there and we pay no attention to it!
In the other hand, another problem: i get it when guys want girls that say "oh i don't go that easy", "i don't do O.N.S.*", i get it they take it as a challenge ... OK

But when a friend (girl) of theirs tells them that she CAN NOT handle O.N.S., or flings or so... well THEY SHOULDN'T look forward to have something like that with her!!!!!!
come on ... if i tell you i won't be able to handle something, if you actually care about me U WON'T GIVE IT TO ME !!!

It's not supposed to be that difficult, the decision of not having something with this friend i mean, complications come when the other person in the group wants that attention.
I hate it that i love the attention; and i hate it that I actually enjoy Drama and Complications!!!
WTF!!! f*cking me, lil miss drama queen...
I search for it, otherwise i create it!!!???!!??
I'll try not to, but i can't make any promises
'Cause I love the Drama and I've got to be faithful and loyal to those things that have never failed to be there when I've needed them such as drama and complications.
Thank God i have really good friends

*O.N.S. = One Night Stand

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