
I want to WALK!!!

I'm gonna make this happen, 10 years later I need this for closure (or for further crazyness!!!!)
I'll do my best until the final golden goal!
Help me God


This is real ... NOT, but it could be

Have anyone seen Camp Rock???
Besides the fact that it is the love story that i've been dreaming about since i can't hardly remember; i have a question or something to say: WHYYY OHHH WHYYYY do i let this movies get to me???
I mean, come on ! i'm 23 years old, there's not a chance that i could be forgave, it is diminishing of my capabilities (not to mentioned it makes me doubt about my knowledge); the fact that i have sat here in front of my computer for an hour an a half to see that movie and know it leaves me thinking "WHYYY OHHH WHYYY CAN'T I HAVE SOMETHING LIKE THAT!!!!",..... Iknow I know--> OMG!!, almost ten years thinking exactly the same question and of course no answer have ever been found... not because it does not exist, but because whatever it is thats has been presented to me as a possible reason why it has never happened to me (or anybody else from the real world for that mattered) has been shuttered down with a bow and an arrow, Bow and an Arrow called "Shut up u Pig, let me Dream!".... yeah.. which leads me to my true subject: Why do we let our lives pass us by waiting for that perfect love story to happened?? can anyone tell me?? please?? Why does everyone shuts the true down? is it really never going to happen?
And while I write this down, I have that tune attached to my head...

(8) you are the voice i hear inside my head
the reason that i'm singing
You are the missing peace I need
The song inside of me
This is real, this is me
I'm exactly were I'm suppose to be (8)

Never has a movie been so perfectly mold to my dreamed love story.
And i kinda wonder if the reason to me having that question and not accepting answers (Me being a 23 year old good experienced person) is: that everybody knows that it may never happen,alright, but we shut it down because we are entittle, we have the f*cking right, to hope that we are REALLY REALLY wrong about that.

(8) I gotta find you (8)


Big Fat Cow

I wouldn´t even mind being a Big Fat Cow!!


Stupidity Rulz !!!!

Don't you just love it !!!!??!!!
I could marry it!


Fly Free Zone

I went to a fair today, all morning and afternoon...
A fair about slot machines and stuff like that.
That industry really moves a whole LOT of money!! my gosh!!!
There were ppl from all over the world gathered there; lots of slot machines, lots of food, lights music, people (lots of important ppl) but most of all there wherelots and lots of FLIES...
black, ugly, filthy, dirty FLIES all over the place ...
For an industry that moves such an enormous amount of money all over the world, it sure moves another whole lot of FLIES
Seemed like everyone there had arrived to this country with their own Fly's Army, 'cause trust me, they had orders to attack everybody on the fair.
Stupid lil filthy business ppl that did not prevent the "Fly Attack" !

Of course I still love that industry, and I love being a part of it... Cause any industry that mixes Hugo Boss Suit plus a gorgeous eye or lip piercing... is the perfect industry for me to develop in.


Attention Please: Drama Queen

My God how we love the attention! and my God the Drama Addiction!!
at least i do, i accept it, but the price sometimes is too high
Have you ever not like someone except only when that someone prefers you over someone else??, or maybe only when someone else wants that someone that wants you!??...
hahaa well imagine the confusion in my head, I'm the one who has to understand it plus live its consequences.
Us humans we really have issues! how come we only want something if someone else asks for it otherwise we just have it laying there and we pay no attention to it!
In the other hand, another problem: i get it when guys want girls that say "oh i don't go that easy", "i don't do O.N.S.*", i get it they take it as a challenge ... OK

But when a friend (girl) of theirs tells them that she CAN NOT handle O.N.S., or flings or so... well THEY SHOULDN'T look forward to have something like that with her!!!!!!
come on ... if i tell you i won't be able to handle something, if you actually care about me U WON'T GIVE IT TO ME !!!

It's not supposed to be that difficult, the decision of not having something with this friend i mean, complications come when the other person in the group wants that attention.
I hate it that i love the attention; and i hate it that I actually enjoy Drama and Complications!!!
WTF!!! f*cking me, lil miss drama queen...
I search for it, otherwise i create it!!!???!!??
I'll try not to, but i can't make any promises
'Cause I love the Drama and I've got to be faithful and loyal to those things that have never failed to be there when I've needed them such as drama and complications.
Thank God i have really good friends

*O.N.S. = One Night Stand


oh the underwear way

How easy it is for some ppl to change G/F or B/F!!! they just don't care about having a lil respect for the former one ... or at least self respect. They change their "so called long lasting" partner, like they'd change underwear.

Self respect cause if u broke up with ur EX b/f less than a month before you change him for another one then u r a lil bitchy! ... but if u actually change the first one for someone of his own environment then you r a f*cking selfish "i don't care about anyone else but me" Bi*ch.

A lil personal u think? yeah!
well i don't care i would like for her to read this and feel horrible but it won't happen.
I don´t hate her, I would like to spit at her though =D

the sad look on your face
the timing, the strucure
did you hear?
he fucked her

U whore